Cadets finally arrived at Pasuljan meadows. A lot of exciting experiences are waiting for them. Saša gets a special task to which she is up and more than necessary. Commander Vaska cares for his water, but the problem still arises. During this time, the next generation, in which Laki is, is taking a pilot exam. Rice decides to visit someone after the training. At the Academy, however, he is met with a shocking encounter. At the pier is an intriguing situation in the form of an eternal "love triangle".
Kadeti su konačno stigli na Pasuljanske livade. Čeka ih mnoštvo uzbudljivih doživljaja. Šaša dobija specijalni zadatak kome je dorasla i više nego što je potrebno. Komandir Vaske brine o svom vodu, ali se ipak dogodi problem. Za to vreme sledeća generacija, u kojoj je i Laki, polaže prijemni ispit za pilote. Ris odluči da posle obuke poseti nekoga. Na Akademiji ga, međutim, dočekuje šokantan susret. Na pomolu je intrigantna situacija u vidu večitog "ljubavnog trougla".