There is a little relaxation after "party". The problematic Stošić finds where it should not be. During this time, rows of cadets are formed in front of the psychologists' room, which will also be of interest to the elders. The notorious professor of mathematics, Vilotic, seems to enjoy the destruction and degradation of students. His first victim is Zimcha, but someone will offer her help. Learning does not prevent them from practicing the "Romeo and Juliet", which will be a trigger for many humorous situations. Nadica's charm and lovely grunts are getting more and more under the skin of Dzakovic, who in the meantime goes to the psychologist for some of his secret plans. When they leave him for the weekend, he is welcomed by his father Desimir.
Dolazi do malog opuštanja posle "žurke". Problematičnog Stošića pronalaze tamo gde nikako ne bi smeo da bude. Za to vreme ispred sobe psihologa formiraju se redovi kadeta, što će zainteresovati i starešine. Ozloglašeni profesor matematike Vilotić kao da uživa u obaranju i ponižavanju studenata. Njegova prva žrtva je Zimče, ali neko će joj ponuditi pomoć. Učenje ih ne sprečava da uvežbavaju predstavu "Romeo i Julija", što će biti povod za mnoge humorne situacije. Nadica svojim šarmom i ljupkim brbljanjem sve više se uvlači pod kožu Džakoviću, koji u međuvremenu odlazi kod psihologa zbog nekih svojih tajnih planova. Kad ga puste na vikend, kod kuće ga dočeka nezadovoljni otac Desimir.