The first morning at the Military Academy, each of them survives in their own way, and everyone together leaves traces of their childhood behind. The sternness of the ambient and the weight of obligations changes them in one day. The awakening, washing, bedding with the famous impeccable "bow", borrowing equipment, alignment, getting to know the elders, photographing for documents, the first joint meals, deforestation, even the hints of the first crush - all this, and much more costly in this one long cadet day. There will also be a meeting with parents who gathered to see them in uniform and to greet them. There will be many surprises and unexpected crafts, both for parents and for cadets.
Prvo jutro na Vojnoj akademiji svako od njih preživljava na svoj način, a svi zajedno ostavljaju tragove svog detinjstva iza sebe. Strogost ambijenta i težina obaveza menja ih u jednom danu. Buđenje, umivanje, nameštanje kreveta sa čuvenom besprekornom "mašnom", zaduživanje opreme, postrojavanja, upoznavanje starešina, fotografisanje za isprave, prvi zajednički obroci, krčenje šume, čak i nagoveštaji prvih simpatija - sve to, i mnogo više stalo je u ovaj jedan dugi kadetski dan. Uslediće i susret sa roditeljima, koji su se okupili da ih vide u uniformi i da ih pozdrave. Biće mnogo iznenađenja i neočekivanih obrta, kako za roditelje, tako i za kadete.