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Season 2021

  • S2021E01 Your Brain After 372 Days Without Social Media...

    • August 3, 2021

    The "Doom Scroll" is when you're mindlessly scrolling through social media posts or news articles. This is also known in psychology as "social media panic." Most of us are doomscrolling when we don't even realize it. What's the first thing you do when you wake up? Do you check your phone? You are addicted to social media. Most of us are. The average American spent more than 1,300 hours on social media. That’s approximately 3.6 hours a day wasted. Now, imagine the opposite. What would happen if you go 372 days without social media? In this video we go over the psychology behind social media and why human behavior leads us back to social media once again.

  • S2021E02 Is Depression a Symptom of Modern Civilization?

    • November 23, 2021

    I was on the subreddit "Philosophy" and came across this question. There's quite a long tradition of finding social causes for mental illness. Although this is a philosophical topic, I want to give a more psychological perspective. Because it’s easier than ever before to find data showing higher rates of depression, we can speculate different correlations about how our modern society and culture affects depression and our mental health overall. Do you remember when life was simpler? When I look back, I could feel nostalgia. I grew up in the era where flip phones first came about. Although we were already technologically advanced, it was a much simpler time. Well at least social media on mobile wasn't a thing. Now we are glued to our phones 24/7. Myself included. Hence, I created this video about my thoughts on depression being a symptom of modern civilization.

  • S2021E03 The Metaverse Is About to Change Your Brain

    • November 30, 2021

    The future is coming. But is it gonna be a bright one? In the metaverse you’ll be able to experience an endless virtual world where you can do things you only once dreamed about. It supposedly will bring people together and you’ll be able to hang out with friends as if they’re there in front of you and what used to be boring lectures from your professors will soon be hands-on and immersive. what could possibly go wrong? What happens to your brain when you mesh virtual reality with real life? In the metaverse, our real life will merge with virtual reality. It’s not only the future of gaming, but the future of how we will live our daily lives.

  • S2021E04 Why We Feel Nostalgia

    • December 23, 2021

    Nostalgia is a powerful emotion that can arise by events that remind you of past experiences in your life. A good example of this is during the holidays. As a kid I would be excited to wake up Christmas morning to find gifts under the Christmas tree. I would open them with a joyful heart. Looking back, Christmas is filled with nostalgia. Nostalgia is also coming back in the media. Reboots have been coming back. Whether you're an 80s, 90s, or even 2000s kid, we all feel nostalgia from our childhood.

Season 2022

  • S2022E01 How Cancel Culture Destroyed an Entire Generation

    • January 13, 2022

    Cancel culture can be traced back to Ancient Greece. Although, they did things quite differently than we do today. One problem with modern day cancel culture is that in a criminal justice system, the crime usually matches the punishment. But I don't know if we can say the same for people being cancelled today. The second problem comes from our human psychology. In order for us to grow, we need to be allowed to make mistakes and learn from them. But does cancel culture allow us to do that? The last issue with cancel culture is that humans have the tendency to follow "mob mentality". When a group of people believe one thing, chances are, you'll believe it too without actually researching for yourself. Millennials and Generation Z is the most powerful generation when it comes to social media and internet culture. Let's make a difference and choose a better path for our future.

  • S2022E02 The Disturbing Truth about Discord

    • March 1, 2022

    Discord is a wonderful platform. It helps people create and build relationship. However, what you see about Discord is only the surface. There is a dark side to Discord. In this documentary I outline the dark sides of Discord, from it's problematic business model, it's controversies, stories about users being doxed, and even to highly illegal things that it's users do every day. As we go deeper into the documentary things just get crazier and crazier exploring the dark side of Discord.

  • S2022E03 The Toxic World of Reddit

    • April 8, 2022

    Reddit is EXTREMELY Toxic.... Reddit used to be a place where people could talk about anything. BUT SOMETHING CHANGED... This documentary talks about the Rise and Fall of Reddit. Reddit’s toxic decline started off like this: Aaron Swartz, co-founder of Reddit, wanted Reddit to be a safe place for people to express who they are. However, when money comes into play, things change. This is when Reddit’s downfall began. First, we talk about a disturbing theory that changed Reddit. Then we go over the infamous Reddit Moderators. These mods work all day, but don’t even get paid. Some Reddit Mods are in control of thousands of subreddits and can censor you with a click of a button. Lastly, we talk about the most toxic people on Reddit: People like you and me.

  • S2022E04 The Website with No Rules: 4Chan (ft. tuv)

    • May 21, 2022

    4Chan is crazy...The website has seen a lot of press, and most of it bad. It's one of the only places online that's legal, BUT has practically no rules. You can say whatever you want without punishment. But there's one imageboard in particular that's the worst one of all. 4Chan's /B/Board. 4Chan is also filled with trolls. LOTS...of trolls. And some of them are even criminals. And as we'll see in the video, 4Chan seems to welcome these people with open arms. As we get further into the documentary, things are gonna get insane exploring the dark world of 4Chan.

  • S2022E05 The Disturbing Truth about TikTok

    • July 18, 2022

    TikTok is much darker that you think...TikTok had a very dark beginning. It was built in China solely for the purpose of making money which is not necessarily a problem, but they've done some things that were so sinister that it's even banned in India. It's clear that the creator's of TikTok never cared about it's users. TikTok is also filled with kids. And where there are kids, there are other disgusting people who take advantage of that. TikTok has the most addictive algorithm in the world. With China employee's working 24/7, they've understood what makes social media so addicting and made us hooked to our screens. Lastly, there are many disturbing things that happen on the platform. With kids obsessed with gaining clout, some even do crazy challenges that risk their lives...This is the disturbing truth about TikTok.

  • S2022E06 Roblox is Darker Than You Think (ft. Ruben Sim)

    • August 27, 2022

    Roblox, just like most companies, started out with amazing intentions. But overtime the site has changed...and not for the better. We talk about the Dark Side of Roblox. How kids are being lured into inappropriate games. Then we talk about how Ruben Sim was sued by Roblox for $1.6 million dollars. And he helps us shed light on the disgusting things that happen on the platform. Lastly, we talk about the evil lurking on Roblox. The preds that take advantage of other for their own desires. Join us as we explore the Dark Side of Roblox.

  • S2022E07 Exploring the Dark World of Discord

    • September 24, 2022

    This dark Discord Iceberg video cuts all the fluff and goes straight in 10 insane topics, with each topic getting even darker. We talk about Discord's problematic business model, its controversies, stories about people in unfortunate situations, and even worse. Discord is a place filled with preds with bad motives. Join us in this Discord Iceberg video as we explore the Dark World of Discord.

  • S2022E08 The Toxic World of Twitter

    • November 12, 2022

    Twitter is toxic. In this documentary you'll see why. We cover 10 topics about the dark world of Twitter, from the company, to the users who use the app. We go over the wildest situations kids are put in and hopefully spread awareness about the dark sides of Twitter. Also, this is Pre-Elon Musk haha.

  • S2022E09 The Dangerous World of Twitch

    • December 10, 2022

    Twitch is a place where people can come together and support their favorite creators. But it's also a place that can be dangerous. We talk about the dangers of gambling, parasocial relationships, and let's not forget the stalkers that are rampant on Twitch. Join us as we explore the dark world of Twitch.

Season 2023

  • S2023E01 The Dark World of VRChat (ft. iamLucid)

    • January 7, 2023

    Doing this video was different. Because while all the other platforms I've covered are in the palm of your hands, Virtual Reality transports you to a different world. And VRChat is one of the most popular virtual reality games out there. In this video we talk about how VRChat pulls you in and gets you hooked. We also talk about the dangers that lurk inside VRChat including the gangs, the monsters, and the people who take advantage of others. Join us as we explore the dark world of VRChat.

  • S2023E02 Exploring the Dark World of Kik Messenger

    • January 28, 2023

    Kik is not safe. Kik is the home of many horrible people. This video is a little more intense than my others because we get right into the very dark sides of Kik Messenger. Hopefully we can shed some light on the dark world of Kik Messenger.

  • S2023E03 Horrifying Truth about the Metaverse

    • February 25, 2023

    The Metaverse is scarier than you think. When you think of the Metaverse you may think of Mark Zuckerberg's Horizon Worlds. But it's much bigger than that. From the beginning we has metaverses, such as Foopets and Club Penguin. Then we have Second Life. Today, we have VRChat, and of course, Facebook's Meta and Horizon Worlds. Virtual reality or not, the Metaverse can be dangerous and in this video you'll find out why. Join us as we explore the dark world of the Metaverse.

  • S2023E04 The Dangerous World of Omegle

    • March 18, 2023

    Omegle is dangerous. There are a lot of things happening there, from IP grabbing, to people taking advantage of others. In this video we cover a list of Omegle topics with each topic getting worse and worse. This is the Dark Side of Omegle.

  • S2023E05 The Disturbing Truth about Amino

    • April 8, 2023

    You may or may not have heard of the app, Amino. Regardless, Amino is a dangerous app for kids. There is inappropriate content and exploitation that goes on on this app. Join us as we dive into the dark world of Amino.

  • S2023E06 The Disturbing World of DeviantArt

    • April 29, 2023

    Deviant Art. It's probably the internet's most disgusting art community. Inappropriate art is everywhere on DA and the problem is that there are children on the platform seeing this type of art. We also talk about some of the horrible people on Deviant Art who do bad things for money, or something just because of their own selfish desires. Join us as we explore the dark world of Deviant Art.

  • S2023E07 Exploring the Horrors of the Minecraft Community

    • May 20, 2023

    Minecraft, one of the most popular online games of all time, has a dark side. In this video we'll talk about everything from how Minecraft was first created by Notch, then to the toxic stans of Minecraft, to the criminals of Minecraft. Join us as we explore the dark world of the Minecraft community.

  • S2023E08 The Evil World of Instagram Scammers

    • June 3, 2023

    If you have an Instagram, be careful. Because so many young people use Instagram, it's the perfect platform for scammers to take advantage of you. This video outlines five Instagram scams that you should watch out for. This is the dark world of Instagram Scams.

  • S2023E09 The Horrifying Dangers of ChatGPT

    • June 17, 2024

    ChatGPT is terrifying. And in this video you'll see why. It's come to the point that it can be pretty hard to tell the difference on text between a human and an AI in some circumstances. Criminals are using ChatGPT to take advantage of vulnerable users and users are jailbreaking ChatGPT to make it tell them answers that are inappropriate. And OpenAI isn't doesn't have a spotless record either. Join us as we explore the dark world of ChatGPT.

  • S2023E10 IMVU: World's Creepiest Teen Dating Game

    • July 8, 2023

    In this documentary, we talk about the dark side of IMVU, or Instant Messaging Virtual Universe. IMVU is a social networking site where teens can meet new people and make new friends. But of course, an app like this always comes with dangers. We talk about IMVU's advertising, the problem with catfishing on the app, and about the terrible up people that use IMVU. Join us as we explore the dark side of IMVU.

  • S2023E11 The Depressing Rise of AI Girlfriends

    • July 22, 2023

    AI Companions are on the rise. Whether we like it or not, this is going to be our future. In this documentary we tell stories about people already falling in love with A.I. girlfriends. People are getting lonelier and lonelier and turn to AI chatbots to ease their pain. And unfortunately, this is not the answer.

  • S2023E12 Uncovering the Dark Depths of Roblox

    • August 5, 2023

    In this iceberg style Roblox video, we talk about 10 topics, with each topic getting worse and worse. Roblox is supposed to be a kids game, but it also has a dark side. We go over Roblox's beginnings, Roblox haters, inappropriate games, and even criminals. Join us as we explore the dark world of Roblox.

  • S2023E13 The Never Ending Chaos of EDP445

    • August 19, 2023

    If you know the story about EDP445, this is likely familiar to you. A loud extrovert who loves the Eagles who eventually met up with a...cupcake ????. In this documentary about EDP, we explore his story in more detail than anyone ever has before. And in the end, we uncover some facts that almost everyone seemed to miss. It's something we were also shocked to see about EDP. So grab a cupcake, and sit back because this is gonna be a wild ride. Welcome to the never ending chaos of EDP445.

  • S2023E14 Gacha Life: World's Most Disturbing Kid's Game

    • September 2, 2023

    In this documentary we talk about the toxic side of the online video game, Gacha Life. This innocent looking kid's game is home to some questionable people. Welcome to the disturbing world of Gacha Life.

  • S2023E15 The Most Unsettling Banned YouTube Channels

    • September 16, 2023

    To preface, I know these aren't the DARKEST YouTube Channels. Because if I were to cover those, YouTube would probably shut me down haha. BUT these are the most unsettling banned YouTube channels without me being next on the list haha.

  • S2023E16 GB 3:29 / 23:05 (21:41) ASMR Community: Dark World Behind the Whispers

    • September 30, 2023

    In this video, we talk about the origin of ASMR, then look at situations surrounding the ASMR community. Grab a cupcake and get ready to explore the dark side of the ASMR community!

  • S2023E17 How One Hack Exposed 37 Million Cheating Husbands

    • October 14, 2023

    This is the story of the Ashley Madison hack that exposed 37 million hidden affairs. Grab a cupcake and enjoy :)

  • S2023E18 Unusual Websites on the Internet

    • October 28, 2023

    These are the Internet's Most Unsettling Websites that YouTube would probably allow me to talk about haha. Grab a cupcake and enjoy! :)

  • S2023E19 How This 16-Year-Old Hacked the CIA

    • November 11, 2023

    This is the story of how a 16-year-old hacked the CIA

  • S2023E20 Exploring the Game that Glorifies Stalking

    • November 25, 2023

    "Yandere Simulator," a game steeped in controversy, delves into the psyche of the yandere—a person whose love turns dangerously obsessive. The documentary gives you a glimpse of the gameplay where the main character, Ayano, strategizes to eliminate any rival for her beloved Senpai's attention. Amidst school settings and seemingly innocent relationships, the game reveals a dark underbelly of obsession and jealousy. This docuemtnary hints at the dark and controversial parts of "Yandere Simulator" that have both fascinated and split its audience. You'll give out just how deep a yandere's obsession can go.

  • S2023E21 The Toxic World of Genshin Impact

    • December 9, 2023

    We'll dive into the toxic world of Genshin Impact and the toxicity of its community. We'll look into a dad's $20,000 bill from his daughter's in-game purchases. Then into the chaos caused by game promotions with KFC and Pizza Hut, leading to dangerous situation. The game also faced backlash for treating streamers unfairly. More worryingly, voice actors face harassment from the community, leading to genuine threats. We'll uncover some concerning actions by 'Genshin Impact's' parent company towards its players, as well as the disturbing lengths to which some players go. Welcome to the toxic world of Genshin Impact and its community.

  • S2023E22 The Hidden Dangers of YouTube Kids Content

    • December 23, 2023

    This video idea was inspired by ‪FoxAkimbo‬'s video "The DARKEST Depths Of YouTube Kids Content..."

Season 2024