Jung Sun is reminded of the time when she suffered a miscarriage and how Sung Jun behaved at that time. Meanwhile, upon a VIP customer’s request, the VIP Management Team has to hold a grand birthday party for a young girl. Everything seems to go smoothly at the party in the woods, but Jung Sun hears that the birthday girl has gone missing.
The vice president orders HR to transfer Jung Sun to another branch. Hyun A advises Mi Na that she should keep the distance from Mr. Bae. Mi Na ignores the advice, but she and her husband end up in trouble with Mr. Bae. Meanwhile, Yu Ri’s mom passes away, and she’s in deep grief. Then she calls Sung Jun in the middle of the night.
"진실을 모르고 사는 삶을 과연 진짜라고 할 수 있을까."
정선은 방한한 다니엘 회장을 수행하며 계약을 성사시키려 애쓰지만 다니엘은 갑작스런 발작을 일으킨다.
한편 정선은 모든 균열의 시작이 된 익명의 문자를 성준에게 보여주는데..