Wound marks on the palms and feet as from the driving of nails into the body of Jesus Christ during his crucifixion. Stab wounds to the body from a Roman soldier’s spear. Skin lesions to the forehead from a crown of thorns - Jesus’s physical execution experience, relived centuries after his death. Stigmata in Catholicism are bodily wounds, scars, and pain that appear in locations that correspond to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, on the hands, wrists, feet, and body on Catholic mystics and saints, but not strictly isolated to them. The phenomenon is found exclusively within the Catholic Church. The phenomenon has occurred over several centuries but not in any particular order. Not all manifestations of the Devine within the Catholic Church, affected the Catholic elite, such as Francis of Assisi of Father Pio of Italy. Ordinary Catholics were affected too – some being fake. Whether such marks are fully penetrating wounds or just surface wounds, is not important.