Highlights from a 1984 VHS tape of the TV movie 'The Triangle Factory Fire Scandal'. Presented by David M. Green. Featuring: - A brief look at the 1979 TV movie 'The Triangle Factory Fire Scandal' - The Australian Gas Light Company (AGL) TVC - Lovely! Pancakes TVC - "Be There" Seven Sydney Ident - Sons & Daughters Promo - 11A.M. with Graham Kennedy Promo - Kingswood Country Promo - Toyota TVC with guy in a red suit jacket - Nissan Bluebird TVC with "Foz" and his two Armaguard vans - Modular Pools TVC featuring "Monty Modular" - "Does It Jingle" segment - Norman Ross Electrical Discounts TVC - Singapore Airlines "Singapore Girl" TVC - Grace Bros winter menswear TVC - Suzuki Swift TVC - New South Wales Random Breath Testing TVC - St. George Building Society TVC "Name the day account" term deposit & "Love the feel of this country" jingle Footage recorded from Sydney's Channel Seven in early 1984 and used here for review, parody and satirical purposes.