Features the Swedish voice over version of Horizon, episode 5 season 2014, originally broadcast on BBC Two 2014-02-24.
"Horizon uncovers the truth about how you really make decisions.
Every day you make thousands of decisions, big and small, and behind all them is a powerful battle in your mind, pitting intuition against logic.
This conflict affects every aspect of your life - from what you eat to what you believe, and especially to how you spend your money.
And it turns out that the intuitive part of your mind is a lot more powerful than you may realise."
Varje dag fattar du tusentals beslut, stora som små, och före alla dessa sker också en strid i ditt sinne, en kamp mellan intuition och logik. Det är en konflikt som påverkar varje aspekt av ditt liv, och ny forskning visar att intuitionen tycks ha större inflytande över oss än vi själva tror. På logikens bekostnad.
Orginaltitel: "How You Really Make Decisions" Horizon, BBC Two 2014-02-24.