Carmen se da cuenta que Gino fue quien le dio las pastillas a Danna. Renata descubre que su mamá sí está viva y Mariluz acepta prestarle su vientre a Fabiola.
Rita's parents complain to Danna for getting their daughter into drugs and although she denies it, she is unable to say who was distributing the drugs to them. Alonso asks Mauro about his friendship with Priscila and although he tells him that their relationship is merely work related, he tries to find out more to inform Lisandro. Mariluz's nephew worsens to the point that they have to take him to a hospital but they don't have the resources to treat him, so she will have to pay for a private hospital. Renata invites Griselda to meet her parents but she drinks too much and begins to contradict herself about the version that her cousin is dead.
Carmen percebe que foi Gino quem deu os comprimidos a Danna. Renata descobre que sua mãe está viva e Mariluz concorda em emprestar sua barriga para Fabiola.