Renata sufre al saber su diagnóstico, pero rechaza decirle a su familia. Fabiola le propone a Mauro ser amigos con derechos y Javier enfrenta a Lisandro.
Fabiola wants to know what happened with Arturo Valencia. Renata suffers when she learns of her diagnosis, but refuses to tell her family. Alonso insinuates that Mauro is interested in Fabiola. Sonia is stable after her operation. Lisandro wants to know what Mauro wants with his daughter. Carmen thanks Mariluz for having given her son a place to stay at Gemma's apartment. Mauro finds out about Renata's illness. Lisandro discovers that Javier gave information to Norberto Correa.
Renata sofre ao saber do diagnóstico, mas se recusa a contar para a família. Fabiola propõe a Mauro que sejam amigos com direitos e Javier enfrenta Lisandro.