Alonso ataca a Renata por ser ‘amante’ de Lisandro Mascaró. Mauro desenmascara a los Fonssetti frente a los Mascaró.
Mauro is beaten up, but Doña Hortencia comes to his rescue. Carmen takes a trip on public transport thanks to Mariluz. Ulises offers to do Mariluz's hair and make-up, both pretend not to know each other in front of Carmen. Everything is ready for the presentation of the kit and the new area in Biogenelab. Mauro arrives with Hortencia to unmask the Fonssetti family. Ulises tells Mariluz that he likes her. Gemma meets Rodrigo in an accidental way.
Alonso ataca Renata por ser ‘amante’ de Lisandro Mascaró. Mauro desmascara o Fonssetti em frente ao Mascaró.