What caused Pope John XXIII to call bishops from around the world to Rome for an ecumenical summit in 1962? Explore the political, scientific, and social events that sparked Vatican II — and set the greatest event in modern Church history into motion.
As Pope John XXIII declares it is time to “throw open the windows of the Church and let the Spirit blow through,” how will the Council apply changes to the Liturgy?
“Lumen Gentium” — how did these radical words resound in the face of the lifestyle shift of the 1960s? Top theologians Richard Gaillardetz, Msgr, John Strynkowski, Rev. James Massa, Sr. Sara Butler, Rev. Robert Imbelli, and Rev. Cuong Pham offer commentary.
As the Bishops turn their attention to Holy Scripture and the 2000-year old tradition of the Church, how will the “Word of God” come to shape the teachings that will emerge from Vatican II?
Find out what Gaudium Et Spes meant for the generation of the 1960s, and how it has impacted society today.
Discover how the Council has inspired and helped to cultivate relationships between the Church and other denominations and faiths.
Since its very founding, the Church has had a strong connection to the poor and those in need. How would Vatican II address the topic of Social Justice? From the lives of the saints (including St. Marianne Cope)… to the service of the Sant’Egido Community in present-day Rome, learn how the Council Fathers drew upon the Beatitudes and dignity of the human person in tackling this key issue.
“Missionary Activity/Ad Gentes” takes a look at World Youth Day, and the Council’s call to Mission through the New Evangelization. Meet the Emmanuel School of Missions Students and members of the Vatican Youth Center, the Centro San Lorenzo.
The technology of the 60s was exponentially rising when Pope John XXIII convened the Second Vatican Council. But how would Vatican II address new modes of media — both positive and destructive forces? As social communications continue to adapt, discover how the Church has evolved in its relationship with television, radio, news reporting, and art. Explore the “beauty that saves,” the responsibility of artists, and the universality of the Christian idea
Questions now arise… What was the core message of Vatican II? Did it change society? Will there be a Vatican III? And was the Council one of continuity or discontinuity? Join theologians, historians, and experts as they unpack Vatican II and celebrate the 50th anniversary of this extraordinary council.