The modified Valvrave 02 piloted by Cain destroys the Module 77 communications terminal and proceeds to clash with the Valvrave 01. As Unit 01 becomes overwhelmed by Unit 02's power, X-eins' Kirchbaum intercepts the duel to avenge H-neun. As the Magius also pass off the conference's events as an act to the world, A-drei's Kirchbaum finds himself blocked by a battle crazed Q-vier. When Unit 01 finds itself blasted straight into Module 77, X-eins mounts a failed suicide attack against Unit 02. In the midst of Haruto's Rune deprivation, L-elf shows up and they combine their skills against Cain by way of a possession. At the same time, A-drei kills Q-vier after failing to reason with him. As the Valvrave 01 and 02 head into space once more, Cain blames the Valvrave pilots for disrupting the Magius' attempt at world peace. Amidst the chaos, President Anderson also exposes the Magius to the world, sparking various Dorssian uprisings in favor of the Royalists. As Unit 02 pushes Unit 01 to its limit, Haruto calls upon the fighting spirit of his friends, amplifying Unit 01's power and brutally destroys Unit 02, killing Cain whilst also losing all of his memories in the process. In the aftermath, L-elf awakens in the cockpit and rushes to a weakened amnesiac Haruto. Realizing the steep cost of their victory, L-elf sheds tears for his friend before Haruto passes on.
In the epilogue, humanity bands together to hunt down the remaining Magius while peace finally dawns on the new world order. Finally, as Saki and Akira conclude the origin story of the Third Galactic Empire to the Prince, Shōko meets two hostile alien lifeforms in the Memorial Core and offers them friendship—echoing what Haruto would have done.
エルエルフの手によって、ドルシア総統が不死のマギウスだったことが明かされる。だが101人評議会は瞬時に情報を統制、ハルトたちは敵の強大さを痛感する。 残る希望はヴァルヴレイヴのみ。しかしハルトは、ヴァルヴレイヴⅡを基軸としたカインの新型機に、圧倒的な力でねじ伏せられる。孤立無援、絶対絶命の危機の中、エルエルフはハルトに、最後の賭けともいえる作戦を伝えるのだった……
엘 엘프는 총통의 정체를 폭로하는 데 성공하지만 마기우스는 바로 언론통제로 대처한다. 그리고 그 가운데 카인이 2호기를 타고 하루토의 1호기를 몰아붙이는데... 하루토 혼자서는 도저히 상대가 되지 않는다고 판단한 엘 엘프는 자기 몸을 가로채라고 말한다.
El Valvrave modificado 02 pilotado por Caín destruye terminal de las comunicaciones del módulo 77 y procede a entrar en conflicto con la Unidad de Valvrave 01. Como 01 se abruma por el poder de la unidad 02, Kirchbaum X-eins' intercepta el duelo para vengar H-NeuN.