Momoka, die mehr mit Mirei verbindet als zunächst gedacht, bereitet ihren persönlichen Rache-Feldzug vor. Auch Lady J hat keine Chance gegen sie. Und dann lässt Momoka auch noch Mamori entführen, um sie für ihre Zwecke als Waffe zu missbrauchen. Mamori dämmert, was es mit all dem auf sich hat. Mirei stellt sich derweil Charlotte und auch Momoka im Kampf - gegen ihre eigene Waffe: Mamori!
As Momoka, who were once a part of the same experiments as Mirei, prepares to attack, Lady Lady show up to fight against her, but find their attacks ineffective against her Soldier Arm. Momoka and her allies then kidnap Mamori, learning of the potential within her and deciding to keep her to herself. Meanwhile, Mamori recalls when she was in the same organization as Momoka, having been exiled after refusing to kill others and later sent to Mermaid due to possessing the Armed Virus. Blaming Mirei for everything bad that happened for her, Momoka prepares to use Mamori's body for her own gains. Mirei, joined by Lady Lady, head to Veste to rescue Mamori and the other captives, fighting her way past Charlotte before confronting Momoka, who plans to use Mamori's own form against her.
Como Momoka, que una vez fueron una parte de los mismos experimentos como Mirei, se prepara para atacar, Dama dama aparece para luchar contra ella, pero encuentra sus ataques ineficaces contra su soldado del brazo. Momoka y sus aliados luego secuestran Mamori, el aprendizaje del potencial dentro de ella y la decisión de mantenerla a ella misma.