Led by Selvaria, the Imperials continue to press the attack, repeatedly destroying the Gallian forces. Not even Squad 7 is able to stop her. Meanwhile, back in the camp, a desperate Faldio takes Princess Cordelia hostage and seizes her Ragnite shield and lance. He reveals Alicia's Valkyria ancestry to Cordelia and tries to wake Alicia, but has limited success. It is only when Welkin's desperate call for retreat over the radio is heard that Alicia begins to react. Taking Cordelia's shield and lance, Alicia faces Selvaria on the battlefield. She defeats Selvaria and begins attacking the Imperial forces, destroying the Batomys in the process. Caught off guard by the appearance of a Valkyria on the Gallian side, Jaeger orders all Imperial forces to retreat. Selvaria rescues Maximilian from the ruined Batomys and withdraws from the battle. As the Gallians celebrate their unexpected victory, Welkins runs toward Alicia as she suddenly falls unconscious.
El gran poder de Cerberia, apodada la "Bruja Azul", causó un daño enorme a su fuerza principal. Se informa al 7º Escuadrón, al que recientemente se le ha ordenado realizar una salida, que incluso Alicia ha resultado gravemente herida. Welkin y sus amigos estaban molestos, pero cuando detener el imperio era para proteger a Alicia, se vieron obligados a salir al frente. Por otro lado, el cuartel general quedó extremadamente confundido luego de recibir la noticia de la invasión de Valkyria. Damon pide ayuda a la Princesa Cordelia, quien se dice que es de sangre Valkyria. Mientras tanto, una persona se le aparece a Alicia, que se encuentra en coma en una carpa médica.