クラスの中心人物の清居は内緒である夢を追っていたが、平良に気づかれてしまい「2人だけの秘密」ができる。それに浮かれる平良だったが、この感情はいったい何なのか、自分でも分からなくなっていた。 純粋でまっすぐな“初恋”がはじまりを告げる。
High school senior Hira Kazunari has suffered a stammering problem since he was a kid, and so has his interpersonal relationships. His parents bought him a camera, which he uses to record his life, only to realize that it is full of disappointments. Entering his senior high school year, Kazunari is even more nervous than usual, and stutters even as he introduces his name... At this very moment, Kiyoi Sou enters the room, and the class goes silent, thus resolving Kazunari's crises. Because of this, Kazunari becomes the errand boy of Kiyou's gang, but he seems rather happy about it, as he seems to have fallen deeply in love with Kiyou. (Source: TVmaze, MyDramaList)
Quando Kazunari Hira começa a gaguejar durante sua introdução ao novo semestre, Kiyoi Sou entra na sala de aula e resolve a crise de Hira. Desde o momento em que Hira viu Kiyoi, ele já havia caído nas profundezas do amor.