Using the Amatsumara, the device they received from Misa that turns anything you imagine into physical objects, the girls fight off the aliens known as Scoopers. By enveloping the entire neighborhood of Harajuku in a bubble, Rito, Mari, and Kotoko are able to defend the city. Misa and her pet Ebifurya offer their help, and together they begin searching the bubble. However, that's when the Scoopers return...
Le ragazze ricevono da Misa un congegno chiamato Amatsumara, che pare essere in grado di rendere reale e tangibile qualunque cosa si immagini, e lo sfruttano per combattere gli alieni chiamati "Scooper".
Harajuku ist in einer Schutzblase eingeschlossen, durch die nicht mit der Außenwelt kommuniziert werden kann. Doch die Scoopers wollen nicht aufgeben und schlagen mit Gewalt ein Loch in die Blase, durch die einer ihrer größten Krieger eindringt. Können die Mädels dagegenhalten?