A prostitute interviews for a job at a coffeeshop, but the manager is appalled by her resume. When the prostitute reminds his that ""it's never too late to be what we want to be,"" the manager reveals he's always wanted to be an astronaut. She helps him train to be an astronaut while she learns to make coffee. She throws him a huge party to celebrate. A redneck visiting the big city is invited to the party, but despairs that he'll have use the subways with all the Molemen. A woman wearing a walking cast is forcibly carried to the party by a ""helpful"" man who keeps insisting she's not that fat. A rich man is forced to venture out into the big city when his butler dies, guided by a Cockney street urchin. They are invited to the party, and when they arrive, the manager has prepared for his first flight with a spacesuit made of coffee cups and a coffee-pot helmut. The manager throws himself out the window and is killed. ""That's life in the big city!""