On a summer day in Springfield, IL, an infant daughter left in a sweltering SUV is the only sign of a young mother that's gone missing. A frantic search leads to an eerie sight at the edge of town, and a killer who may have more secrets to expose.
Police looking into the murders of a married team of sun-drenched Southern California entrepreneurs investigate whether the couple may have found out the hard way that no amount of money is worth losing sleep - or your life - over.
A fun-loving New Jersey woman buys a home close to her family, then the wrong houseguest proves deadly, and police must dig through the victim's life to find an enemy who hides very close.
In Summit Township, Mich., a mother is gunned down in her home in the middle of the night; suspicion swirls around those closest to her until it is revealed that being in the wrong place at the wrong time can result in paying the ultimate price.
In Costa Mesa, Calif., the murder of a young girl and the disappearance of a former U.S. Army solider lead investigators down a dark path as they delve into the mind of an unassuming killer.
A recent law school graduate goes missing weeks before the bar exam; family, friends and investigators collaborate to solve the mystery of her disappearance; a revelation puts her inner circle of friends under suspicion.
An unthinkable murder and miraculous story of survival take shape in a small Gulf Coast, Texas, town; a quiet night out for teenagers turns into every parent's nightmare when a killer stumbles upon his unsuspecting prey.
In a Georgia suburb, a woman is killed while her best friend is hospitalized in a separate attack; investigators seek to uncover connections showing that some members of the victims' families are much closer than anyone knew.
A mother of three adult children is stabbed in her home in the middle of the day; detectives find a few unlikely suspects while scrutinizing the victim’s life; however, it will take years and one bold wiretap to uncover what really happened.
A couple is gunned down in their home in the middle of the night. Evidence points to the couple’s relatives, sending cops down a path that has dire results for a suspect. Police get the killer, but at a cost to everyone associated with the victims.
A beloved teenage daughter is missing for a month before being discovered murdered in tranquil La Porte, Indiana. Dogged investigators spend 15 years searching several states, only to find a killer close to home.