Midori Aoi works as a pharmacist at a hospital, and now is in her 8th year.
As she holds the belief that medicine is directly associated to a patient’s daily life in the future, she knows that she needs to know about each and every one of them well.She is certain that this is one of the most important approaches as a pharmacist.
However, due to her feelings of wanting to save as many patients as possible, this in turn makes her take a bit of extra time than what is usually required, so she occasionally receives criticisms from other pharmacists saying that she needs to work more efficiently. But above all, she’s doing all of this to help patients return to their ‘normal’ lives. With her charming ‘bun’ hairstyle, she sincerely supports her patients one by one…
藥物有助於患者的未來生活,因此有必要瞭解患者本身。對於藥劑師來說,這比什麼都重要”擁有這種信念的職業8年醫院藥劑師葵綠由石原飾演。 描繪在綜合醫院工作的藥劑師葵綠認真僅慎對待患者健康的相關用藥的處方的模樣。以醫院藥師主角和藥劑部的成員為中心,面對醫生、護士、外部藥劑師等與醫療有關的角色之間的互動問題。
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