Former war correspondent Sam Kiley investigates past crime stories, beginning with the tale of pizza delivery man Brian Wells, who was supposedly kidnapped in 2003 and forced by his captors to rob a bank. They placed a bomb around his neck as an incentive, but as TV cameras rolled, the device exploded live on air.
Former war correspondent Sam Kiley investigates the tale of a mysterious hijacker who went by the name of Dan Cooper. While on board a flight to Seattle in 1971, he passed a note to a stewardess stating he was carrying a bomb. He then demanded $200,000 and four parachutes from officials, before jumping from the plane and disappearing with the money.
Journalist Sam Kiley continues his investigation of unsolved crimes by reopening the case of the so-called 'Black Dahlia' murder, involving the death of wannabe Hollywood actress Elizabeth Short in 1947. Her body was found drained of blood and severed in two, and despite their best efforts, police failed to find a motive or culprit.
Sam Kiley investigates the notorious case of the Atlanta Child Murders, in which nearly 30 children were killed at the early part of the 1980s, questioning if the man convicted was really guilty.