Nach fast einer Woche, in der keiner etwas von Böcker gehört hat, taucht er plötzlich wieder auf. Er macht Margot schwere Vorwürfe, dass sie ihn bei der Abstimmung verraten hat.
Gundel and Ulla want to prevent this path for the company by all means, but first they have to convince Margot - and come up with an alternative, but what can it look like? During the workers' uprising on June 17, 1953, the Stasi targeted Tommy. He fled to Altena with his little daughter Angelika, who arose from the affair with Sybille, and applied to Ulla in the Wolf company. After initial hesitation, Ulla hires him. At the same time, Ulla and Gundel present their business idea of electrically operated hospital beds as an alternative to ammunition production to the other shareholders. When it comes to the vote, Böcker thinks he is the winner with Margot's vote, but she votes for the beds. Böcker rushes off furiously. The Wolf women, however, have been reunited for a long time. After almost a week in which nobody has heard from Böcker, he suddenly appears again.
Après presque une semaine sans nouvelles de Bocker, celui-ci réapparaît soudainement. Il accuse Margot de l'avoir trahi.