Randy Veitenheimer and Emery Smith discuss Emery's work in undisclosed special access projects measuring the atomic energy surrounding alien crafts and how this directly correlates to the etheric field in humans. All physical matter in our universe is vibrating and emanates a field of energy that can be measured and influenced. This is true for the human body and for interstellar vehicles. Their findings show that each of us radiate an etheric field, which is a determiner of our overall health. As we learn to increase the voltage of our bodies, we increase the energy of this field, bolstering our resilience and improving overall health.
We are far more capable of achieving fantastic feats than we may believe. Randy Veitenheimer and Emery Smith explore various ways, within special access programs and spiritual practices, to enhance our natural superhuman abilities. Sometimes these take the form of technological integration through A.I., nanotechnology and advanced combat gear. They can also come from improving our ability to interact with subtle fields of energy though meditation and spiritual practices. These techniques do not just enhance combat capabilities, but improve our responses to conflict and opportunity in everyday life.
Randy Veitenheimer and Emery Smith delve into the mystery of cryptids and creatures that have been misidentified as extraterrestrial but may have natural and human-based origins. They discuss various circumstances which could create genetic anomalies, including natural disasters and escaped experiments from special access projects. What they reveal is that the extent of unusual genetic expression is far beyond our current capabilities of understanding and eyewitnesses do not have the language to properly communicate what they encountered.
The scientists within compartmentalized special access programs who reverse engineer alien technology are also redefining our understanding of how the universe works. In order to understand how this technology works, Randy Veitenheimer and Emery Smith discuss the progression of physics from our current conceptual model of the universe, to new ways of thinking. This includes moving beyond physical sciences, to incorporate spiritual concepts where consciousness becomes the primary resource.
The human mind is capable of reaching out across layers of reality to communicate with beings in other dimensions. This is not as far out as it seems as it has been a part of spiritual practices for many centuries. This is evidenced by the many tales of contact with nature, spirits, and angels. Randy Veitenheimer and Emery Smith describe the science underlying the transfer of information across interdimensional interfaces which can appear as contact with spiritual entities and divine inspiration. As we further refine our consciousness, this communication ceases to be a one-way transmission and becomes fully interactive conversations.
Remote Viewing is a powerful new tool with military applications, but a similar practice already exists within Tibetan traditions. Randy Veitenheimer and Emery Smith compare and contrast techniques developed by the military with Tibetan practices. No matter the method, consciousness is everywhere, and all we need to do is learn how to tune our mind to specific times and locations to observe distant events. More so, these deep meditation practices help you develop a language of self while integrating concepts of the self into a more concise condensed space and opening your mind to the expansion of everything.