All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 What the World Gets Wrong about Science

    Start your journey through some of the most jarring misconceptions of science with this introductory look at the nature of science itself. You'll examine ways the scientific method deviates from the way it's taught, the true definitions of terms like theory" and "model," and the relationship science shares with philosophy."

  • S01E02 Franklin's Kite and Other Electrifying Myths

    It turns out the usual story of Benjamin Franklin's discovery of electricity using just a kite and a key isn't exactly true. Get the real story behind this and other misunderstandings about electricity and reframe the way you think about how electricity works-in nature, in batteries, and throughout your home.

  • S01E03 The Ideal Gas Law (It's Not Ideal)

    Here, Professor Lincoln reveals the ways in which common teachings about gases and their properties are idealizations that ignore important considerations such as the size of atoms. Topics include the limitations of the Ideal Gas Law (PV=nRT) and the importance of the van der Waals equation.

  • S01E04 From the Ground Up: How Flying Works

    Get a whirlwind introduction to the scientific truths about how planes fly through the air. This lecture overturns the (often-very-wrong) way flight is taught in introductory physics classes and focuses on two relevant subjects involved in flight: air circulation and how the wing pushes air downward.

  • S01E05 From the Sky Down: How Falling Works

    Introductory physics classes tell you that a ball thrown on the surface of the earth follows a parabola. What happens when you take away the simplifying assumptions in this scenario? How do we factor in air resistance and the Earth's rotation? What happens when an object falls from very great heights?

  • S01E06 Myths of Orbital Motion

    In this lecture, revisit some of the common misconceptions we have about how the universe works, with a focus on our solar system. Two myths you'll bust: that the orbits of planets are all fixed ellipses and that astronauts on the International Space Station live in zero gravity.

  • S01E07 What's Inside Atoms?

    Discover a very different idea about the real essence of matter as it relates to the molecules and atoms of chemistry. Learn to think about matter as entirely empty space, not tiny balls; consider the inside of a proton and neutron; and ponder the question of where, exactly, mass comes from.

  • S01E08 The Truth Is in Here: The Science of Aliens

    There are some popular misconceptions about alien life that science-fiction writers have said often enough that we take them to be likely or true-but are they? Professor Lincoln unpacks the possibility of silicon-based life and truths about the Drake equation, which posits the number of possible civilizations in our universe.

  • S01E09 Misconceptions about Evolution

    It's often the misconceptions about evolution that lead people to not believe in it. This lecture tackles four prevalent myths about the theory of evolution: that it explains how life began, that it states humans descended from chimpanzees, that evolution has a goal, and that evolution means more complex organisms will evolve.

  • S01E10 Nutrition's All About You-and Your Gut Biome

    How do misconceptions about nutrition spread? What if what you learned about digestion isn't the entire story? In this lecture, examine the unseemly alliance between science, advertisers, and the media; and make sense of the important role that a fascinating microbe ecosystem plays in how the human gut works.

  • S01E11 Humans Are Not Peas: Myths about Genetics

    It might surprise you to know that most human characteristics-including eye color-aren't governed by a single gene. Nor do dominant genes always become more common over time. As you'll discover, we owe these and other misconceptions about genetics to the Punnett squares you first encountered in high school biology.

  • S01E12 Getting Smarter about Intelligence

    Focus your attention on popular myths about the human brain. There's the myth that we only use 10 percent of our brain power, the concept that people can be right- or left-brained, and the complexities of learning styles and IQ scores to consider. Use current science to make sense of how your brain works.

  • S01E13 Exposing the Truth about Radiation

    Radiation is one of the most misunderstood of all scientific phenomena. Get the scientific truths about this subject by investigating the four types of ionizing radiation, including alpha radiation, beta radiation, gamma radiation, and neutron radiation. Then consider how much radiation you encounter every day-and how much of it you can ignore.

  • S01E14 Does Carbon-14 Dating Work?

    Clarify oversimplified ideas concerning how carbon dating works and get a stronger appreciation of just how complicated and sophisticated a scientific technique it is. While dating objects under 60,000 years old has become relatively easy, the current accuracy of modern science depends on taking subtle effects into consideration. You'll learn why doing it precisely takes some care.

  • S01E15 How Statistics Can Lie to You

    The best way to read statistics correctly: Understand the various ways they can be misused to fool you. Here, Professor Lincoln discusses how averages and percentages can make certain statistics seem shocking, reveals how you should rethink the confidence threshold of 95 percent that scientists use, and more.

  • S01E16 Does Thermodynamics Disprove Evolution?

    Take on a few of the simpler misunderstandings revolving around heat as it relates to thermodynamics: the ways heat energy moves and changes. Is it correct to say heat always rises? Are entropy and disorder synonymous? How do we often misinterpret the second law of thermodynamics, and what does it tell us about evolution?

  • S01E17 How Relativity Is Misunderstood

    At its core, relativity is about something very simple: how two people in relative motion see the world differently. In the first of two lectures on misunderstandings about relativity, explore the Lorentz transforms, then journey through a seeming paradox that disappears once you use the Lorentz transforms properly.

  • S01E18 E=mc2 and Other Relativity Myths

    Get the truth about the most famous equation in science. Ponder the most notorious paradox in special relativity, known as the twin paradox. Discover whether or not we really can travel faster than the speed of light. Strengthen your appreciation of how, despite its mind-blowing nature, relativity is the way the world works.

  • S01E19 Why Do Black Holes Get Such a Bad Rap?

    Few astronomical bodies are more misunderstood-and more mysterious-than black holes. Can they actually reach out and grab matter near them? Do they have a singularity at their core? Find out in this journey that takes you from outside the Schwarzschild radius to inside the event horizon and beyond.

  • S01E20 What Banged, and Was It Big?

    Develop a better, more scientifically accurate mental picture of the Big Bang. What exactly happens is hard to get your head around, but the key involves understanding the links between matter, energy, space, and time. And all you need to grasp this fascinating concept is a common balloon.

  • S01E21 Can You Go Faster Than Light?

    In this lecture, Professor Lincoln explains the various ways in which talking about the speed of light can lead to a misunderstanding of whether or not particles can travel faster than light. Learn why it's more accurate to say objects cannot move through space faster than light-but space itself can.

  • S01E22 Untangling How Quantum Mechanics Works

    Examine the peculiarities of quantum mechanics in an effort to better understand what's going on in the quantum world. Get a whirlwind introduction that covers everything from the wave function and the behavior of electrons to the double-slit experiment and the surprising differences between classical and quantum mechanics.

  • S01E23 Untangling What Quantum Mechanics Means

    Dig deeper into misconceptions about quantum mechanics, with a focus on the complicated, the contradictory, and the downright sketchy. What happens to an electron when you're not looking at it? Can a cat be both alive and dead at the same time? Should we connect quantum mechanics with Buddhism and Taoism?

  • S01E24 Is There a Theory of Everything?

    Searching for a theory of everything is a grand, epic saga. Start your own search with this engrossing investigation of the building blocks of the cosmos and the forces that hold them together-both of which are required to even begin to develop a fundamental theory that answers all questions.