Raviva droht mit Auszug, wenn Lou für sie und Rosemary keinen Platz schafft. Daphnes Techtelmechtel mit Todd geht weiter, und sie verwischt die Grenze zwischen Arbeit und Privatleben. Sophia wird festgenommen, und die anderen kommen ihr zu Hilfe.
Lou ignites the "ultimate bat signal" when Raviva threatens to move out of the apartment if he can't make room for her and Rosemary. Will Lou be able to save the day and please his baby mama with the help of his friends? Against her better judgment, Daphne continues her romance with Todd and further blurs the lines between career and love. Meanwhile, a usually straight-laced Sophia is arrested and the rest of the crew has to bail her out, while they try to figure out the truth behind her recent romantic tryst.
Lou flipt als Raviva dreigt te verhuizen als hij geen ruimte voor haar en Rosemary kan maken. Daphne zet haar romance met Todd door, maar de grens tussen werk en privé vervaagt een beetje. Sophia wordt gearresteerd en de crew moet haar borg betalen.
Lou ignites the "ultimate bat signal" when Raviva threatens to move out of the apartment if he can't make room for her and Rosemary. Will Lou be able to save the day and please his baby mama with the help of his friends? Against her better judgment, Daphne continues her romance with Todd and further blurs the lines between career and love. Meanwhile, a usually straight-laced Sophia is arrested and the rest of the crew has to bail her out, while they try to figure out the truth behind her recent romantic tryst.
Arrivano i primi problemi per i due neo genitori. Sophia racconta a Daphne di aver perso la verginità, e le chiede di mantenere il segreto. Ma Daphne non mantiene la promessa.