街では、人が突如、ミイラ化して変死するという事件が相次いでいた。ジン(与座重理久)とケイ(脇﨑 智史)は、潜入捜査を専門とするアンダーカバーのエージェント・エス(伴杏里)と合流し、早速調査を開始する。変死した被害者達は、最近ちまたで評判のシャイナー05というケミメディック(機能性化学薬品)を購入していた。この商品を開発した会社の社長・田崎(エド山口)が隠している黒い箱の正体は・・・!?
In the city, there have been a series of incidents where people have suddenly turned into mummies and died in mysterious circumstances. Jin and Kei join Undercover's Ent-S, who specialize in undercover investigations, and immediately begin their investigation. The victims who died in mysterious circumstances had recently purchased a chemi-medic called Shiner 05, which has been getting a lot of attention lately. What is the true identity of the black box that Tazaki, the president of the company that developed this product, is hiding...?