ウルトラマンティガが持つ暗い記憶。彼が過去に決着をつける決戦をお届け! 闇の巨人だったティガのかつての恋人、カミーラ。彼女の剥き出しの愛、そして憎悪は超古代の遺跡に蠢く闇という闇をおびき寄せ、壮絶極まる異形へと形を変えた! ティガは光を掴めるのか? ウルトラマンは! 人は! 未来へ歩みを進めていく!
The dark memory of Ultraman Tiga. Delivering the decisive battle that he will settle in the past! Camilla, Tiga's former lover who was a giant of darkness. Her bare love and hatred lure the darkness of the darkness that wriggles into the ultra-ancient ruins and transforms it into a spectacular variant! Can Tiga catch the light? Ultraman! People! We will move forward to the future!