Maire and Karl face off at a general auction, and the one with most profits is crowned Ultimate Dealer.
Saleswoman Emma faces off against siblings Sam and Greg as they buy at general auction then try to sell at the most profit.
Biking buddies Ben and Andy face off against property landlord Kevin as they try to turn the most profit on goods bought at general auction.
Dan and Jon buy and sell anything from festive decorations and furniture to stationery and sledges in a bid to make the most profit.
Vintage and textiles expert Maire Benzie from Norwich takes on Somerset based dealer-duo Ben Butterell and Andy Kew, and each have £500 to spend at auction. For Maire it's quality over quantity, but will her approach pay off? Can she find buyers for such diverse items as a luxury ferret cage and a collectible Star Wars toy? Ben and Andy go for quantity with everything from screwdrivers and slow cookers to kettles and cots.
Brighton boy Dan goes up against Mancunian brother and sister team Sam and Gregg. Dan goes on a spending spree buying up so many lots that Sam and Gregg lose count. The dealing duo opts for fewer items, but whose strategy will pay off and win them a place in Friday's final?
Selling pro Emma McSkelly goes up against vintage and antiques expert Jon O'Marah. Jon has to come up with an innovative way to shift his job lot of electrical items, and Emma gets a surprising result with what turns out to be rather special shovels.
Yorkshire dealer Karl is up against Cardiff boy Kevin. From pet cages to coffee machines and guitars to grills, the boys buy whatever they think will make a profit. Kevin tries a spot of street peddling, but realises he's picked one of the wettest days on record to do it - while Karl realises he's overestimated how much he can get for his guitar.
In Wells, Somerset, Ben and Andy have a lot of heavy lifting to do, as they try to sell on a huge old printer's cabinet filled with lead type, and a piano. While in Hull, Karl works his contacts list as he strives to shift stock that includes remote control helicopters, a huge job lot of stain remover, and some nice men's pants.
Maire, the textiles specialist, is up against man about town Kevin. Maire sticks to what she knows best, buying collectibles and vintage goods. Kevin has a more scatter gun approach, buying everything from leather builder's gloves to Twilight perfume sets.
Sister and brother Sam and Gregg go up against antiques dealer Jon. Sam and Gregg uncover a table tennis set and Jon finds a vintage style fountain pen.
Emma and Dan compete in another round of bargain buying and super selling.