The drama tells the story of a single mother and a man, who just woke up, with amnesia. Hawick plays a man, who had just awaken from a 6-years-long coma, has no memory of who he is but only with a memory of Yan Song being his wife. Yan Song, though, insist she has never seen that man in her life! Their encounter spins into a pure love that is filled with many questions, seeking answers that lead to the exposure of terrible secrets...
Yan Song queda embarazada y luego pierde sus recuerdos. Ella es acogida por un transeúnte que la plantea como suya. La joven vive su vida sin conocer su identidad o la del padre del niño Yan Lang. Entonces, un día, de la nada vienen dos hombres reclamando a Yan Lang como propio.