The $75 billion scam hiding in your WhatsApp chats. For months, I kept getting invited to WhatsApp group chats filled with people who claimed to be making tons of money investing in crypto. The groups boasted exclusivity and authority — with names like Anderson Trading Club, VIP Robert Strategy Group, and Jan’s Cryptocurrency Forum — and their members constantly flooded the chat with pictures of lavish lifestyles and talk of huge profits. I tried to figure out who they really were — and the answer showed me just how close we all are to a much darker side of the internet. Hello and welcome! Tunnel Vision is a new independent video news show that dives deep into mysteries from all corners of the internet. With a commitment to transparency, we pull back the curtain on the journalistic process, em
Johnny and I went down a rabbit hole to understand Saudi Arabia’s massive farms. Just south of the Saudi Arabian town of Tubarjal, there’s an expanse of farmland that stretches to the horizon and beyond. It’s a baffling 3,000 square kilometers of lush green fields, densely packed into a grid-like pattern. And it’s right in the middle of one of the biggest deserts in the world. Johnny found this place on Google Earth while preparing for a field shoot in Saudi Arabia, and called me with a question: What are these fields doing in the middle of the desert? And how did this country manage to grow so many crops in such an inhospitable environment? Finding the answer took us on a journey through 40 years of drastic change in the desert kingdom.