At 15, a man already knows what he wants to die for, and he's not afraid of giving his life-if he has found an ideal, which makes this sacrifice justified.' Che Guevara died for his beliefs. To the young, therefore, he's a hero. To the old, a threatening symbol of violent, long-haired disturbance. But do either young or old know what his beliefs were, or why he died? Che Guevara's life was lived and his ideals forged in South America - with problems and values a world away from ours. And yet his life and death are not irrelevant to us. This film searches his context, his actions and his ideals for clues to the man behind the myth. Commentary: Spoken by ALAN HOWARD Written by NICHOLAS TOMALIN Producer PAUL BONNER A BBC/CTV Television Network, Canada/Bavarian Television co-production