Western European societies portray themselves as more open and welcoming than the United States, particularly to Islamic immigrants. But there is a growing backlash in many European countries against both the expanding size and radicalism of their Muslim populations. ""First Up"" this week Tucker interviews Christopher Caldwell, who has written extensively on Europe's gradual pulling up of the welcome mat for Islamic immigrants. On our ""Plus 2"" segment Tucker is joined by Richard Cohen of The Washington Post and commentator Cherylyn Harley LeBon in a discussion of the apparent spread of freedom in Lebanon and elsewhere in the Middle East, and Martha Stewart's prison release. And Franz Wisner had a dream job and the dream fiancee. Then he was jilted at the altar. But he decided to have a honeymoon anyway - with his brother, Kurt. The two quit their jobs and traveled the world for two years, visiting 53 countries. Tucker interviews the Wisner brothers about their experiences and the book c