First Up this week, Tucker interviews Robert D. Kaplan. Kaplan argues that the American and global media are entirely disconnected from the soldiers they cover, not only by class and backgrounds, but also by a world view Kaplan characterizes as a ""wet blanket of sanctimony."" Many reporters are ""global cosmopolitans,"" rootless and dishonest. According to Kaplan, the military's morale is much stronger than commonly believed in the US. Kaplan argues that there's a difference between the usual complaining by soldiers, and the ""will to fight,"" which he describes as very strong. Kaplan describes compassionate soldiers from the ""red states"" who beg to be deployed in Iraq. Kaplan says the Pentagon planned brilliantly for the Iraq invasion, but hardly planned for the occupation. While he supports Rumsfeld's ""light and lethal"" transformed military, he says today's military needs conventional forces to deal with insurgencies, to perform relief work and on-the-ground diplomacy.