Jasna sumi, da hoče Milan posekati Boršt. Žagarji hočejo Črta prisiliti, da bi prodal Boršt. Meta se spre z Milanom, Živa pove za svojo nekdanjo ljubezen Jasni. Skrivnost treh prijateljic se vedno bolj razkriva.
V Milanovem gozdu žagarji začnejo s podiranjem dreves. Jasna sumi, da hoče Milan kasneje posekati tudi Boršt. Črt si poskuša razjasniti dogajanje v vasi nekoč in danes in raziskuje preteklost treh prijateljic: svoje mame Nade, Helene in Žive. Vedno bolj sumi, da Nada ni umrla naravne smrti. Žagarji hočejo Črta na vsak način prisiliti, da bi prodal Boršt. Meta se dokončno spre z Milanom. Skrivnost treh prijateljic se vedno bolj razkriva, ko Živa Jasni pove za svojo nekdanjo ljubezen.
Jasna suspects that Milan wants to cut down the forest. The Sawmills want to force Crt to sell the forest. Meta fights with Milan, Ziva tells Jasna about her former love. The secret of the three friends is increasingly being revealed. In Milan's forest, sawmills begin to cut down trees. Jasna suspects that Milan also wants to cut the forest later. Crt tries to clarify what is happening in the village in the past and today and explores the past of three friends: his mother Nada, Helena and Ziva. He increasingly suspects that Nada did not die a natural death. The Sawmills want to force Crt to sell the forest in any way possible. Meta finally fights with Milan. The secret of the three friends is increasingly revealed when Ziva tells Jasna about her former love.