Med Črtom in Jasno se vnamejo strasti. Začne se mu vračati spomin na dogodke v borštu. Boršt zbudi v vaščanih različne interese.
V borštu najdejo nezavestnega Črta. Po vizijah mame Nade med zdravljenjem se vrne v Trigrad, kjer poleg ljubezenskih vezi počasi odstira tudi tančice skrivnostnega dogajanja v vasi. Razkrije se, s kom je v vasi tesno prijateljevala njegova mama, hkrati pa se Črtu prične vračati spomin na dogodke v borštu. Jasna, Blaž in župan Milan razkrijejo svoje načrte, povezane z borštom, ki pa so zelo različni.
Passions flare up between Crt and Jasna. He begins to reminisce about the events in the forest. Forest arouses various interests in the villagers. They find the unconscious Crt in the forest. According to the visions of his mother Nada, during his treatment he returns to Trigrad, where, in addition to love ties, he slowly unveils the veils of mysterious events in the village. It is revealed with whom his mother was close friends in the village, and at the same time the memory of the events in the forest begins to return to Crt. Jasna, Blaz and mayor Milan reveal their plans related to forest, which are vastly different.