The worst storms in decades are lashing the South West coast of England, and the entire fishing fleet of Newlyn and Brixham are stuck in harbour. The entire fleet that is – except one. With a reputation for pushing his boat and his crew Brixham Skipper Antony Shine of the Angel Emiel can't resist taking advantage of rocketing fish prices. Out in the English Channel on his own he could make an absolute killing. Over in the rival port of Newlyn, Skipper Steve Moseley of the Billy Rowney is under pressure to get his crew a wage. But with his hunting grounds the mountainous seas of the Atlantic, will braving the storms to cash in on the record prices be something he lives to regret? With even worse weather predicted the Navy Search and Rescue helicopters based at Culdrose are on high alert, and it’s not long before they receive a distress call.