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All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 The Maiden Voyage

    • April 14, 2018
    • Prime Video

    In this first episode of Travels by Narrowboat, Kevin takes a giant leap of faith as he leaves his previous 'life' behind and heads many miles towards his new home - a narrowboat called Aslan. Then having successfully purchased the boat and launched it, he embarks on his maiden voyage, along the Leicester Branch of the Grand Union Canal.

  • S01E02 The Tunnel and The Light

    • April 14, 2018
    • Prime Video

    With their 'trial run' that was the Maiden Voyage out of the way, Kevin and Aslan now embark on their canal life 'proper'. Leaving Crick in Northamptonshire and heading south along the Leicester Branch of the Grand Union Canal, they are instantly faced with the challenging and haunted mile-long Crick Tunnel.

  • S01E03 Paradise Found

    • April 14, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Having previously moored for the evening at Welton, Kevin now heads off towards his first imposing challenge - the (almost) 2 mile long Braunston Tunnel. Afterwards, there's yet another significant milestone to achieve - six 'maiden' locks of the Braunston Flight.

  • S01E04 Lazy Days and Childhood Ways

    • April 14, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Leaving Hungerfield, our dynamic duo continue along the Oxford Canal to the town of Atherstone, where Kevin hopes to finally enjoy a top class Lamb Balti Vindaloo. Unfortunately the day after, he is faced with a (potentially) game-ending situation...

  • S01E05 Close Encounters of the Tedious Kind

    • April 14, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Having waited 8 days at Atherstone, Kevin finally receives the spares he needs and very quickly sets to work. Several hours after, he's ready to continue his journey, only to later recount an encounter with the worst that humanity has to offer - an 'expert on everything'...

  • S01E06 Fresh Discoveries

    • April 14, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Leaving the Coventry Canal at Fradley Junction and joining the Trent & Mersey Canal, Kevin and Aslan head towards Rugely and an unexpected, yet tasty, discovery...

  • S01E07 Wash Day and Canal Time

    • April 14, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Our 'hero' now heads along the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal, towards Penkridge, where he attends a summer BBQ, with a mysterious guest list...

  • S01E08 The Loneliness of the Long Distance Boater

    • April 14, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Kevin joins the Shropshire Union canal at Autherley Junction and journeys towards the small town of Gnosall. Later, he passes the exact spot where he once played the starring role in a short, low-budget horror movie...

  • S01E09 I Know What I Like and I Like What I Know

    • April 14, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Departing his overnight mooring (and slightly the worse for wear), Kevin continues along the Shropshire Union canal and en-route, indulges in two of his favourite pastimes - tea, bacon & egg sandwiches, and pork pies - OK, three pastimes...

  • S01E10 Journey's End

    • April 14, 2018
    • Prime Video

    In this the final episode of Season One, Kevin and Aslan now begin the last leg of their short-term goal, to visit the City of Chester. On the way, Kevin enjoys a chance meeting with one very enthusiastic and appreciative 'fan' of Travels by Narrowboat...

Season 2

  • S02E01 A Warm Welcome, In The Hillside

    • May 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Kevin and Aslan now venture onto the Llangollen Canal, through Wales and Cheshire. At just over 44 miles long and in comparison with their mammoth journey in Season One, this will surely be a walk in the park. What could possibly go wrong..?

  • S02E02 Once More Under The Bridge

    • May 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    With Aslan no longer 'hot under the collar', it's Kevin's turn to feel the heat - and just in time for the Llangollen Canal's infamous (and many) lift-bridges...

  • S02E03 If You Can Keep Your Head

    • May 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    A monumental and worsening dose of Man-Flu, makes Kevin all the more glad for a bedridden stop at Ellesmere Branch. However, as his condition improves, Aslan decides it's her turn, again...

  • S02E04 Mad Dogs and Welshmen

    • May 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    The Llangollen Canal continues to prove a worthy adversary, in this the final episode of Season 2. Long tunnels, strong currents, shallow waters, scary aqueducts 'and' Hurricane Ophelia, combine to ensure it won't all be plain sailing - but firstly, Kevin needs a proper cup of tea, with milk...

Season 3

  • S03E01 The Middlewich Branch - A Christmas Special

    • June 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    The 'excitement' of the Llangollen Canal is a receding memory, as Kevin and Aslan commence their next canal excursion, with a Christmas Special - the 10 mile Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal. On the way, Kevin cooks his favourite meal, answers viewer's questions, visits a fireworks display, and reveals what his travels by narrowboat has cost so far. Just don't mention Christmas...

  • S03E02 Down Memory Lane

    • June 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Leaving the Middlewich Branch, Kevin and Aslan turn onto the Trent & Mersey Canal, heading north towards the town of Northwich. En-route, Kevin becomes all sentimental about the friends and relationships he's left behind...

  • S03E03 If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far

    • June 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Continuing to head north along the Trent & Mersey, winter begins to take hold - fortunately, some traditional seasonal cooking should warm the cockles and soothe Kevin's Seasonal Affective Disorder? Later, the icy frozen canal makes progress difficult, as the 'time trial' of the Bridgewater Canal beckons...

  • S03E04 A Man For All Seasons

    • June 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    The ice of the Bridgewater Canal continues to thicken, slowing Kevin and Aslan's progress as they head towards Thorn Marine and a much needed diesel stop.A couple of days later, Kevin awakes to a 'pea-souper', not dissimilar to a scene from 'The Fog'...

  • S03E05 The Grapes Of Wrath

    • June 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    The fog and sub-zero temperatures of the Bridgewater Canal, combined with a healthy glug of Claret, are all the encouragement Kevin needs for a 'Keith Floyd inspired' evening of hearty peasant food...

  • S03E06 Strange Light In The Sky

    • June 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    The sun is out, the sky is blue and there's only a few clouds to spoil the view, but...there's one rotten egg to tarnish what promises an enjoyable (if chilly) day's cruising...

  • S03E07 The Path Of The Righteous Man

    • June 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    A petty crime is all the impetus Kevin needs to get moving, in the final episode of Season Three. Between him and his goal of Burscough, lays just 10 miles of canal, 6 locks and 4 swing bridges. What could possibly go wrong..?

Season 4

  • S04E01 Chorley You Can't Be Serious?

    • July 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    The 100 mile long Leeds & Liverpool Canal beckons, but before Kevin and Aslan can leave Wigan behind and head eastwards, they must first ascend a flight of 21 locks. Thank the maker then, for volunteers...

  • S04E02 Carry On Up The Johnson's

    • July 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    The Leeds & Liverpool Canal continues to gain altitude and with it, many locks. However lady luck is on Kevin & Aslan's side, as they enjoy some much appreciated assistance along the way...

  • S04E03 Run Of The Mill

    • July 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    The once industrious town of Burnley is ahead but firstly, Kevin must tackle a few swing bridges and later, he's overcome with theurge to 'get his mop out'...

  • S04E04 Summit About Locks

    • July 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    The heat is on, during some of the hottest days of the year. Lancashire is receding and Yorkshire looms, but before Kevin and Aslan can cross the border, they must first ascend a flight of locks, traverse a dark, damp tunnel and then descend another flight of locks...

  • S04E05 Let Them Eat Pies

    • July 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Charitable deeds are the order of the day, as the town of Skipton in Yorkshire, is Kevin and Aslan's next destination - and just in time for it's annual fundraising gala...

  • S04E06 A Bridge Too Far

    • July 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    The world famous Bingley 5 Rise staircase locks, are quite rightly regarded as an impressive feat of engineering. However, before Kevin & Aslan can experience this 'monument' to British ingenuity for themselves, they must first negotiate a seemingly endless series of swing bridges...

  • S04E07 Salt Of The Earth

    • July 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Rocketing humidity and temperatures, together with an immeasurable number of locks and swing bridges, means that Kevin welcomes a visit to the historic and charming town of Saltaire...

  • S04E08 All Canals Lead To Leeds

    • July 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    The city of Leeds is only 'miles' away, in the final episode of Season 4. However before he can arrive, Kevin must tackle one last motherlode of locks and swing bridges - not only whilst nursing an annoying injury, but also with the imminent arrival of Doomsday...

Season 5

  • S05E01 To Aire With Caution

    • November 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Kevin & Aslan leave their temporary mooring at Granary Wharf in Leeds, soon entering the nearby River Lock, which drops them down onto the Aire & Calder Navigation. Ahead lie many miles of rivers, which naturally inspires Kevin to reach out for a thought provoking cup of tea...

  • S05E02 A Modern Day Tom Sawyer

    • November 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    The 'concrete jungle' of Leeds and surrounding areas move ever further behind, as Kevin & Aslan head deeper into the far-reaching wilderness and tranquillity, of the Aire & Calder Navigation - or to put it another way, like that of the Mississippi River - all the while causing Kevin to feel as though he's become the lead character in a Mark Twain novel...

  • S05E03 Wherever I Lose My Hat

    • November 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Kevin & Aslan are nearing the New Canal Junction, which will take them ever closer toward the fearsome Tidal River Trent. Before then however, Kevin decides to delay the inevitable and instead continues onward, to the harbor town of Goole for some much needed grocery shopping and laundry...

  • S05E04 A Canal Runs To It

    • November 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    Leaving Barnby Dun behind, the 10 mile Stainforth and Keadby Canal beckons - and is all that stands between Kevin & Aslan and one of England's most turbulent navigable rivers, the Tidal Trent...

  • S05E05 Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself

    • November 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    5:55am, still dark and Kevin is all set to enter the river lock at Keadby - thus commencing the first 24 mile leg of his 40 mile journey south, along the Tidal River Trent. All that stands in the way, are his own doubts and fears...

  • S05E06 Little House On The River

    • November 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    With the 'adrenalin rush' of the Tidal Trent at last behind them, Kevin & Aslan can once again relax as they move onto the non-tidal River Trent - and just 4 miles later, are ready to enjoy a soothing few days, exploring the attractive Roman riverside town of Newark...

  • S05E07 Safari, So Goodie

    • November 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    The non-tidal River Trent continues to unfold ahead, with Kevin & Aslan's final destination of Sawley drawing ever nearer. In the meantime, our courageous explorers travel through an area of the Trent, with scenery and wildlife to rival that of any Kenyan plateau...well, almost...

  • S05E08 To Sawley, With Relish

    • November 15, 2018
    • Prime Video

    A storm is coming and Kevin decides to make a dash for Sawley, in the final episode of Season 5. Ahead lay 15 miles of river and canals, several locks and the city of Nottingham - culminating in a 'towering' gastronomic experiment, in Aslan's kitchen...

Season 6

  • S06E01 So What Now, Where Go I?

    • December 1, 2019

    Kevin and Aslan have spent a few days sitting out a storm, at Sawley. Now Kevin must choose whether to continue west, along the Trent and Mersey Canal and eventually north, towards Stoke On Trent, or to carry on south down the River Soar and Grand Union Canal, through Leicestershire and Northamptonshire, the city of Leicester and beyond.

  • S06E02 The Kindness Of Strangers

    • December 10, 2019

    A large part of life on the UK canals, is the sense of camaraderie among the boating community - and Kevin experiences this as he and Aslan continue along the River Soar, towards Loughborough and their overnight mooring, at Barrow-Upon-Soar. Whilst ascending locks, fellow boater's are more than happy to lend a hand and later, Kevin purchases fuel for Aslan, even though the vendor is closed.

  • S06E03 University Challenge

    • December 19, 2019

    It's all ahead Leicester, as Kevin and Aslan continue their unbounded passage along the River Soar. Later though, even the most free and liberated soul can succumb to an uncharacteristic bout of pontificating (or two), once in a while. Fortunately, a walk through Leicester's past and present, puts Kevin back into a more thoughtful and centered frame of mind.

  • S06E04 It's Not How Fast You Can Go

    • December 28, 2019

    The UK canal system has never been about speed - the distance achievable in a day at 2 or 3mph, serves to make the environment of the narrow boater, a very small one when compared to that of modern times. Tackling one aspect of living in this 'world', Kevin journeys just 6 miles in 8 hours and through 12 locks, single handed - all in the knowledge that he'll be doing it again the next day.

  • S06E05 The Full Circle

    • January 9, 2020

    It is said that no matter how long the journey, or the direction taken, you always arrive back at your starting point. Kevin and Aslan now ascend the flight of 10 locks at Foxton, joining the Leicester Branch of the Grand Union Canal - where Kevin experienced his Maiden Voyage, many moons ago. Heading towards Crick, he passes familiar 'landmarks' and recalls his thoughts and memories from that time.