Ginrai, who is continually plagued by nightmares, starts to work on his truck, when he notices there are three more sets of Godmaster bracelets in the glove compartment. He decides to go to Japan, intent on solving the Godmaster mystery. At the Destron base, Buster and Hydra recall their experience with Ginrai, telling Giga and Mega. Ginrai arrives in Japan, greeted by the Cybertron Headmaster Jrs., but Wilder and company are there as well. Shuta and Cab notice the trio and face off with them as Minerva stays with Ginrai. The Destrons then attack Ginrai, but not only does he easily defeat them, he even captures Cancer, who he handcuffs to the bed. Minerva then cleans up Cancer's injuries as Hawk blows up a machine, testing the bracelets. Ginrai suddenly gets upset at what the Destrons have done and starts to hurt Cancer, demanding some answers. Minerva objects to Ginrai's method, giving Cancer something to drink. She leaves the room, at Ginrai's request, but watches him and Hawk questi