Diver meets up with a rough truck driver named Ginrai, whose truck is currently undergoing repairs. He looks to rent another truck, finding an odd-looking 18-wheeler that no one has rented because being inside it caused the driver to experience strange phenomena. Ginrai finishes delivering a cargo to Diver, while Buster and Hydra check out a canyon. Diver believes that the truck has to be a Godmaster, especially after noticing Ginrai's bracelets. He tries to enlist Ginrai to join the Cybertron cause, when suddenly the truck goes out of control, a bump which had been caused earlier miraculously fixing itself. They go over the side of a cliff, the cab crashing to the ground and the trailer ending on top of it. Lander manages to escape before the crash, but Ginrai is still inside. Suddenly, Buster and Hydra, who are in the area, notice Lander and attack him as he is trying to free Ginrai. Meanwhile, inside the cab, Ginrai is trying to free himself from being trapped, and doesn't know what