It's been 10 Earth years since the last battle against Unicron involving him and Megatron disappearing into deep space. The Autobots and Decepticons have been working together and have set up mining post for mining Energon in which to use the Energon to restore Cybertron. But a bad guy called Alpha Q (AKA Alpha Quintesson) has sent a Decepticon named Scorponok and a group of drones called the Terrorcons to raid the mining settlements and steal the Energon so they can restore and power up Unicron and revive Megatron with the help of the Decepticons. But a resurrected Megatron has other plans with Unicron since he has plans to control him. Scorponok and Alpha Q have different plans for Unicron and that is to use Unicron's power to re-create things like his home planet, and destroy Megatron once and for all. It's up to Optimus Prime, the Autobots, and the Omnicons along with a teenage boy named Kicker to stop the Decepticons from stealing all the Energon and taking over the universe.
- Transformers: Superlink
- Transformers Energon
Десять лет прошло с момента, когда Мегатрон пропал без вести, а Юникрон был побеждён... Десептиконы и Автоботы живут в еле-еле сдерживаемом мире, стараясь вместе разрабатывать места добычи энергона. Молодой паренёк по имени Кикер, который с детства обрёл способность чувствовать энергон, помогает обнаружить энергон на Земле, на базе Автоботов под названием Ocean City.
Diez años después de la guerra de los Mini-Cons y de la aparente destrucción de Unicron y Galvatron, los Autobots y los Decepticons han formado una alianza secreta con la humanidad poniendo enormes ciudades cybertronianas en todo el sistema solar para recolectar energon, la energía que necesitan los Transformers para sobrevivir. Sin embargo diez años es mucho tiempo y en la oscuridad el mal está volviendo a resurgir de nuevo.