All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Conquering Fear & Past Trauma with Gabrielle Bernstein

    • Gaia

    In this lesson, Gabrielle Bernstein, renowned motivational speaker, life coach, and NY Times best-selling author, takes us through the importance of reconditioning our thought process. How we all need to realign ourselves with the love we all have within us and rediscover our true selves.In this interview, you’ll learn:- How control leads to fear- The steps to take in order to conquer fear and past trauma- What blocks us from our highest joy- What questions we should be asking ourselves in order to reach breakthrough- The importance of spiritual awareness- The root cause of addictive behaviour- Different techniques to bring about healing

  • S01E02 10 Keys to Unlock Your Full Potential with Jim Kwik

    • Gaia

    In this lesson, Jim Kwik, a world leader in accelerated learning, breaks down the 10 most important keys to unlocking your true potential. And how, unlocking these keys will not only improve your state of mind, but be beneficial for your physical health too. In this interview, you will learn: ANTS: What it is, and how to kill it The transition from negative thinking to positive thinking How moving your body can do wonders for your brain The art of brain breaks - what they are and how to put them into practice.

  • S01E03 Routines and Habits to ‘Level-Up’ Your Learning with Jim Kwik

    • Gaia

    In this lesson, Jim Kwik, the world leader in accelerated learning, provides us with the simple tricks to up our learning game and speaks about how we all need to uncover our true potential. Jim, also shares his daily rituals to learning faster and smarter and teaches us that keeping great habits can lead to success.In this interview, you will learn:- How to ‘win’ each day- How the smallest habits can lead to success- Small challenges to build brain muscle- About the best foods for your brain- The formula that leads to success with new habits- The three major challenges we face in our modern society that slow our ability to learn

  • S01E04 Shifting Limiting Beliefs with Marie Forleo

    • Gaia

    In this lesson, Marie Forleo, NY Times best-selling author and life coach, guides us through how we can seperate ourselves from our limiting beliefs that could be holding us back from our true potential.In the words of Marie, “It is our beliefs that drive our actions, and our actions drive our destiny, so our beliefs are actually of paramount importance.”In this interview, you’ll learn:- What is a limiting belief- The clues that point to limiting beliefs being present in our lives- What Marie did to push past a belief she had for many years- The complete ‘how to’ on changing those limiting beliefs

  • S01E05 Goal Setting with Marie Forleo

    • Gaia

    In this short lesson, Marie Forleo, NY Times best-selling author and life coach will undress the art of goal setting and give you the need-to-know steps to creating practical goals that are actually achievable. From visualizing to implementing, this lesson will have you kicking your goals in no time.In this interview, you’ll learn:- The questions to ask yourself when setting goals- What can push you towards setting those goals, the good and the bad- How to write your goals in a way that moves you- How to keep things practical and achievable

  • S01E06 Starting Your Day with Wim Hof

    • Gaia

    In this lesson, Wim Hof, better known as the Ice Man, explains the methodology behind his breathing technique that helps him withstand extremes temperatures and protects him from everyday viruses. In addition, Wim shares simples practices that you too can implement in your life to embody the method.In this interview, you will learn:- The ultimate morning breath work routine- How breathing awakens the immune and vascular system- Why you should be taking cold showers every day- Daily routines to create an internal defense system- How to be the master of yourself

  • S01E07 Foods to Avoid & Include for Gut Health with Tom O'Bryan

    • Gaia

    Join metabolic and autoimmune specialist, Dr. Tom O’Bryan, as he dives into all things gut health. As new research emerges, we are learning more about the gut’s role in the body’s overall health. It is known that, the gut is the chief gatekeeper and regulator for what enters our bloodstream. With this knowledge in mind, it is no surprise our gut health is attributable to many diseases, especially those of the autoimmune kind. Follow along as Dr. Tom O’Bryan explains the inner workings of the gut, what leads to autoimmune disease, and how you can use certain foods to start the process of healing from the inside.In this interview, you will learn:- What intestinal permeability is and the transfer into the bloodstream- How quickly your gut lining can rebuild- The causation of intestinal permeability- The immune response that occurs a result of high gut permeability- What can tear your gut lining - and it’s not just food!- What leads to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis disease- Food to increase good bacteria and food for the bacteria.- The steps you need to take in order to strengthen the gut wall

  • S01E08 Tapping into Your Internal Wisdom with Marie Forleo

    • Gaia

    In this lesson, Marie Forleo, NY Times best-selling author and life coach speaks about the internal wisdom that is present within us all and how tapping into this inner guidance can do wonders for our life’s trajectory. Marie, will also share her daily non-negotiables she makes time for every single day to stay proactive and fulfilled and how you too can define yours.In this interview, you’ll learn:- Daily habits that keep you on your track every day- What intuition is and how to listen to it- The difference between fear and intuition- How and where to find clarity- What are your non-negotiables

  • S01E09 Share Your Mission with the World with Marie Forleo

    • Gaia

    In this lesson, Marie Forleo, NY Times best-selling author and life coach talks about activating your purpose, and how you can start doing it now, no matter what stage of life you’re in.Marie says, “That every moment that you’re alive, you’re making a difference, it is up to you whether you are living in that and choosing to make a positive difference.”In this interview, you’ll learn:- The effect of your energy output- Steps to bring your purpose to life- The importance of a good attitude- The simple things Marie does to bring her vision to life

  • S01E10 Off the Court with Novak Djokovic

    • Gaia

    In this lesson, Novak Djokovic, 14 times tennis Grand Slam champion, speaks openly about his road to success and how he attributes his potency on the court and happiness off the court to refining and cleaning up his diet. From moving towards a plant-based diet and experimenting with juicing, Novak shares the key diet changes that have helped him discover the healthiest version of himself.In this interview, you will learn:- The optimal time to detox each day- Why Novak chooses to eat mostly plant-based- Different juice combinations and their benefits- Novak’s signature smoothie blends