In the pilot for this exciting new series, Griffin installs a bunch of dumb, dumb mods into Skyrim, and walks Nick through his magical new world. In each subsequent episode, he'll toss more and more mods onto the pile until the game ceases to load. Let's thump this melon.
Welcome back to Touch the Skyrim. A few things have changed since your last visit — but hopefully you'll still recognize the place! It's the same old Skyrim you know and love, only with more enormous, unkillable bears.
We've really stepped in it this time, gang. "It" being the very concept of the passage of time. We stepped in "it" so hard that "it" died, and now the whole world is just all goofed up beyond recognition.
Come and celebrate the final and complete annihilation of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as we bring the first version of our special edition to a very, very wet conclusion.
Uhhhhh, this one's NSFW. They're all gonna be NSFW for a little bit. Like, we don't show the whole kit and caboodle at any point, but that still doesn't mean that it's going to be okay for you to watch this one at work.
I'm straight up chuckling at the title I had to write for this video. This series has gone so completely off the rails so quickly, I don't even think it remembers what rails look like. This episode is really NSFW, by the way.
Touch the Skyrim is NSFW. Especially during Susan Crushbone's reign. Writing the titles of these videos is one of the great joys of my life. I don't know how to summarize the events of this episode of Touch the Skyrim in a way that fits neatly in a YouTube title field. While it is true we PARTY HARD WITH MEWTWO in this episode, we also GET SENSUAL WITH SCYTHER, and TEACH OUR WEED DEALER HOW TO DANCE.
OH MAN IS THIS EPISODE NSFW Susan Crushbone completes her sensual quest, making love to all the Jarls in Tamriel, and collecting all of the Chaos Emeralds. So long, Sex Empress.
In today's episode, we kick off a brand new version of Better Skyrim; but really we just spend an hour or so goofing around with a single, profoundly transformative mod.
Hey look, it's our friends Yoshi and Luigi, going out on another adventure in the Mushroom Kingdom!
Not much else to say this time. We did an Animal Crossing, and we did it really good.
Nick, Griffin and Nick Griffinbone return with a new set of "utter"-ly unbelievable mods. That was a joke, because there's a bunch of cows in this one.
We've got the capacity to turn our world's furry citizens into beautiful stars — but first, we've got to discover space flight. Blast off into adventure!
Touch the Skyrim enters its final arc as we combine all the best parts of our past editions, and set out to conquer Todd's unbeatable game.
We do not know what we did to Skyrim to make it act like this. Maybe this is actually just ... the game? Maybe it's finally fighting back?