Germano tells Zé Pedro to contact Lorena to take Eliza's photos off the website and convince her to reveal who sent her the material. Aparecida tells Arthur that she doesn't believe Eliza betrayed him. Germano attacks Rafael, and Eliza breaks up the fight between the two. Germano accuses Carolina of having sent the photos to Lorena, and the journalist defends herself, accusing Leila. Leila is suspicious when Carolina fires her and recommends her to another magazine. Jonatas supports Leila. Lili offends Rafael.
Germano manda Zé Pedro contatar Lorena para tirar as fotos de Eliza do site e convencê-la a revelar quem lhe enviou o material. Aparecida comenta com Arthur que não acredita que Eliza o tenha traído. Germano agride Rafael, e Eliza aparta a briga entre os dois. Germano acusa Carolina de ter enviado as fotos para Lorena, e a jornalista se defende, acusando Leila. Leila desconfia quando Carolina a demite e a indica para outra revista. Jonatas apoia Leila. Lili ofende Rafael.