Superkater und seine Freunde frieren fürchterlich, denn es ist bitterkalt. Da sie kein Dach über dem Kopf haben, versuchen sie, ein warmes Plätzchen zu finden. Ausgerechnet Wachtmeister Tippels Haus scheint ihnen dafür geeignet.
Dibble overhears the chief talking about removing ""old wrecks"" from the force and thinks the chief means him. His spirits rise considerably when Top Cat and the gang throw him a surprise birthday party and he learns that the ""old wrecks"" the chief spoke of are really worn-out patrol cars.
O guarda Belo está ficando mais velho e pensa que a polícia quer aposentá-lo. Manda-Chuva e sua turma vão fazer tudo para animá-lo.
Don Gato logra engañar a sus vecinos recaudando regalos para el cumpleaños del Oficial Dibble con otras intenciones.