It’s nearly five years since the accidents at the Tokyo Electric Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Uncertain about their future, around 100,000 evacuees from Fukushima Prefecture who are now spread all over the country are being pressed to make various decisions. In order to help them, lawyers are listening to their stories.One mother who voluntarily evacuated now lives with her children in very needy circumstances with nothing and nobody to depend on. And amongst those forced to evacuate who used to be close friends, ill feelings have grown as a result of differences in compensation and aid measures.The program introduces the unvoiced opinions of those who had no option but to evacuate after the 3.11 disaster. It includes interviews with a female ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) lawyer who deals mainly with those who evacuated voluntarily to Saitama Prefecture, where many evacuees now live. And it introduces a lawyer couple who have returned to Fukushima to support the evacue