Home / Series / Toast of the Town / Aired Order / Season 8 / Episode 43

From the USS Antietam: Chordettes /scheduled: Step Brothers; Priscilla Wright

Show broadcast from the USS Antietam (an aircraft carrier anchored in the Hudson River) --Beginning of show: Ed is in Navy Helicopter flying over aircraft carrier. The Hudson River & Manhattan Skyline are seen from the harbor. Helicopter lands and Ed introduces his helicopter pilot Lt. Les Taylor. Guests (appearing on first 30 minutes of show): --The Chordettes (vocal group) - ""Hummingbird"" & ""Dixie Danny"" --Naval Aviation Cadet Choir (from Pensacola) - ""Anchors Aweigh"" --Rufe Davis - plays guitar and sings ""Old Mac Donald"" (makes animal noises). --The Gaudsmith Brothers (dog act) - 2 brothers with poodles clown around on deck & do acrobatics. --Jay Marshall (comedian doing stand-up in front of big navy guns) - Navy humor, does ring tricks Other guests (scheduled): --The Step Brothers (tap dancers) --The Mariners (vocal group) --Priscilla Wright (singer) --The Piero Brothers (jugglers) --The Marcellos (acrobats)

  • Originally Aired July 3, 1955
  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Network CBS
  • Created November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin