Home / Series / Toast of the Town / Aired Order / Season 4 / Episode 29

Les Paul & Mary Ford / Douglas Fairbanks Jr. / Phil Spitalny

Guests: --Les Paul & Mary Ford - ""On How High The Moon,"" ""Crying"" & ""Old Fashioned Motel In The Sky."" --Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. (actor) - talks about his European adventure & reads from Kipling's ""If"" --The Irish Memory Review - performs an Irish Jig --Martin Keane (Irish tenor with step dancers) - ""A Little Bit Of Heaven"" --Mickey Carton, Francis Flanagan & Irish Step Dancers - ""Rickets Hornpipe"" --Artie Dan (correct name?) - fast talking comedian --Phil Spitalny and His Hour of Charm Orchestra - ""Voices Of Spring"" by Strauss, Mendelssohn's ""Spring Song"" & ""April Song"" --Nino (trained animal act, with dog tricks) --Audience bow: Jane Wunter (Miss New York press photographer) --On-stage bow: Jack Dempsey

  • Originally Aired April 1, 1951
  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Network CBS
  • Created November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin