Shen Zheng Yi, a girl who loved ice-skating, has found her goal after participating and advancing in a winter sports competition. Behind her mother's back, she decide to try entering the Zhu Feng Sports Club in order to become a professional short track speed skater. From not having experienced profession training, she undergoes tough challenges both physically and mentally; and finally succeeded in entering the club. An old incident involving Zheng Yi and her mother, as well as her coach Zhuang Yue was also unveiled in the process. With the encouragement of her close friend Shao Beisheng from the figure skating team, she overcomes these obstacles and won the trust of her team mates, becoming the black horse of the competition season. She also reaches mutual understanding with Zhuang Yue, and formed a close teacher-student bond with him. Two generations of short track speed skaters continuously fight for their dreams without giving up, giving their all in the competition.
- Accompany You to Fly by the Wind
- Fly With You
- Pei Ni Zhu Feng Fei Xiang
冰雪运动的普及让热爱短道速滑的姑娘沈争一(宋祖儿饰)找到奋斗目标,她背着妈妈,偷偷参加逐风俱乐部的新人选拔,这是她成为专业选手的最后机会。从未接受过专业训练的她状况百出,更是体验到魔鬼教练庄阅的严厉。一番波折,争一如愿进入逐风。可新挑战接踵而至,争一努力克服技术难关、学习与队友的配合。此时,争一偷练短道速滑被妈妈发现了,随着一段往事的揭开,争一母女和庄阅的关系卷入旋涡。在多年好友、花滑健将邵北笙(王安宇饰)的陪伴下,在前冠军萧寒的帮助下,争一迅速蜕变,赢得队友的信任,成为赛场上的黑马。她和庄阅也从冲突到理解,结下深厚的师徒情谊。两代短道速滑运动员用永不言弃、全力以赴的拼搏姿态,传承着体育强国、追求卓越的奋斗精神 [1] 。
Shen Zheng Yi est passionnée de patinage de vitesse courte piste. Lorsqu'un concours se présente, elle décide de s'y inscrire secrètement dans l'espoir de devenir l'une des nouvelles recrues du "Wind Chasing Club". Mais sans formation professionnelle, elle a beaucoup de mal à suivre les entraînements menés par Zhuang Yue, et va devoir redoubler d'efforts pour se faire une place dans l'équipe. Grâce à son ami de longue date et champion de patinage artistique Shao Bei Sheng et de l'ancien champion Xiao Han, Zheng Yi s'améliore de jour en jour et se transforme en véritable athlète.