In the ninth episode the witnesses of Tito's testament talk about very difficult years after the war, about complicated political and economic situation, During the liberation of the country there are also political liliquidations and revenges. Because of the enormous drought and negative consequences of compulsory redemption agricultural products to inhabitants, the famine threatens. New State faces defeat of project countrified active cooperatives. From Istria Italians emigrate; over the mountains there are actions of catching bands defeated armies; proceeding of Chetnic leader Draža Mihajlović takes place as also other war criminals; catholic cardinal Stepinac; diplomatic relations with Vatican are suspended. The witnesses of the testament talk about the relation between Tito and Dimitrov and about Federation of Balkans; about relation between Tito and Hebrang, Hebrang's liquidation; about the Resolution of Informbiro; about Tito's NO to Stallin; about the new horrors and human sufferings on the island 'Goli otok', where members of Informbiro as innocent victims are suffered.
Deveta epizoda serije govori o vrlo teškim poslijeratnim godinama i složenoj političkoj i ekonomskoj situaciji.
U oslobođenoj zemlji dolazi do političkih likvidacija, odmazdi i revanšizma; zbog velike suše i negativnih posljedica obveznog i prisilnog otkupa poljoprivrednih proizvoda stanovništvu prijeti glad; nova država se suočava s porazom projekta seljačkih radnih zadruga; iz Istre se iseljavaju Talijani; po brdima se vode akcije hvatanja bandi; održava se suđenje Draži Mihailoviću i drugim ratnim zločincima; sudi se Stepincu i prekidaju se diplomatski odnosi s Vatikanom.
Svjedoci testamenta govore o odnosu Tito - Dimitrov i Balkanskoj federaciji, o odnosu Tito - Hebrang i o likvidaciji Hebranga; o Rezoluciji Informbiroa; o Titovom "NE" Staljinu i o novim strahotama i ljudskim patnjama na Golom otoku.