In the sixth episode it's talked about a dramatic war year – 1943, through personal dramas and suffering of the whitnesses of Tito's testament; about facing death and the attempt of suicide of Tito's wife Herta Hass in a women's prison, about her exchange with high rated officer that was lead by Tito's companion Vlado Velebit, according to Tito's order. Tito did everything to save his wife from the prison. It's talked about arresting the Novosel brother and sister, a communists from a rich family from Zagreb and their dramatic fate and death of Ozren Novosel in the most notorious Jasenovac prison; about the horrors of Jasenovac camp, Neretva battle, Sutjesca battle, about a great writer Vladimir Nazor and affectionate care of a great artist, musician Oskar Danone for Vladimir Nazor, about a magnificient concert of a Military orchestra in Otočac.
Šesta epizoda serije "Tito - posljednji svjedoci testamenta" pod naslovom "Borba" govori o dramatičnoj ratnoj 1943. godini kroz osobne drame i stradanja svjedoka Titovog testamenta. Govori o suočavanju sa smrću i pokušaju samoubojstva Herte Hass u ženskom zatvoru te o njezinoj razmjeni za visokog njemačkog oficira, koju je Vlado Velebit proveo po Titovom nalogu da bi spasio njegovu suprugu iz zatvora; o hapšenju brata i sestre Novosel te njihovoj dramatičnoj sudbini i smrti Ozrena Novosela u Jasenovcu; o užasima logora Jasenovac, bitki na Neretvi, na Sutjesci, o Vladimiru Nazoru i nježnoj brizi Oskara Danona za Vladimira Nazora, o veličanstvenom koncertu Vojnog orkestra u Otočcu...